Friday, 7 October 2011

Fly Agaric Mushrooms (Amanita Muscaria)

Today, my favourite Mushroom field had been plundered by someone else, before I got there; so I came home with very little for my tea.
I did spot these on the way though, but I'm not going to have these with my tea, not in less I fancied having tea with the fairies.

Fly Agaric Mushrooms are both Hallucinogenic and Deadly Poisonous!  You have to remove the skin and the gills and grill them.  The vikings used to filter them through rain deer, to ensure their safety.

They are quite common on Dartmoor doing well under both Confers and Deciduous trees.  The most I have ever seen was two interlocking 3 meter diameter fairy rings, about 25 years ago, in a deciduous forest, on the edge of the Teign gorge, these few are humble by comparison

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